

The ZVH 45/L1500 STAR moving column 5 axis machine provides flexibility and capacity in a highly-compact configuration with a wide range of production options; a machining center that combines safety, ergonomics, advanced technology and communication capacity with a design adapted to the industrial reality.


Companies need flexibility to adapt to the new reality in a context of rapidly-changing market conditions. This means that having a specific machine for every kind of material and workpiece is no longer an option in most machining factories and workshops, and that it is almost as impossible to assume the delays that the delivery times of such specific machinery inevitably entail.

In this new reality, machining companies need standard machines that can be quickly adjusted to the different jobs they are required to perform. Only in this way can the workshop address the enormous range of operations and workpieces that the market demands. IBARMIA’s extensive experience in moving column machining centres has given rise to the STAR platform – a range of machines designed to respond to the market’s main needs. 3, 4 or 5 axes, versatile electro-spindle for milling different materials, various geometries, short or long production runs, compact dimensions to save workshop space and flexibility to mount a variety of rotational or peripheral measuring devices, etc.: in other words, the perfect machining center to cover the widest range of milling and boring requirements and options.

The STAR platform enjoys all the advantages of IBARMIA’s moving-column architecture: robust, stable construction with the option of placing large workpieces on the table, a powerful, accurate and highly-reliable B-axis, an outstandingly usable work area, exhaustive thermal analysis of the machine to predict behavior and obtain the highest precision and optimized structural dimensioning are just a few of its most outstanding features. Furthermore, the architecture is based on an exhaustive analysis of the real needs of machine operators in terms of workpiece size, machine travel, working conditions, power consumption, ergonomics, safety, workshop space, machine dimensions, etc.

The latest addition to its range is the new ZVH 45/L1500 STAR Edition. It provides flexibility and capacity in a highly-compact configuration with a wide range of production options if it is integrated into an unattended manufacturing facility. IBARMIA not only provides the machine but can also work with the customer to set up an advanced automated system based on the ZVH 45/L1500 STAR machining centre. The generous accessibility to the work area enables integration of automated systems for inserting/removing the workpieces to improve productivity and manufacturing quality, all of which can be enhanced by synchronizing other manufacturing and measurement processes including pre/post procedures, etc. In short, a highly-compact machine ready to be quickly adjusted to many different requirements.



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